We want your videos and photos!
If you’re using a GWT attachment, we want to see it in action. Take some photos or videos and send them to us. You might even be featured on our YouTube Channel and other social media platforms!
We want to see tools in action and projects you’ve accomplished with a GWT attachment. Like show us the stump you removed using the GWT Mini Wrecker. Or if you’re running the GWT VersaForks on your 3-Point, show us how they work on your tractor. Have a Del Morino flail mower or HLA snow pusher? Tell us what you love about it!
But it doesn’t have to be just projects, it could be why you chose the tool you did or why you bought from Good Works Tractors.
We have lots of seasoned tractor owners in our community, but we also have a ton of first time tractor owners. We want the community of other tractor owners to be inspired and feel confident to take on projects of their own. And of course, we want to see the fruits of our labor, and see how our attachments are being used in the real world. It’s a rewarding feeling knowing we’re helping others shape their slice of heaven.

Photo & Video Requirements
Video: Vertical videos are preferred. You don’t have to be a professional videographer, but just remember to keep your camera in focus and tell us what we’re looking at, too. You can do that as you shoot, or if you know how to overlay a voice over later, you can do it that way.
If you want, you can mention your name and where you live, too.
Try to keep your video around 60 seconds or less.
Photos: Vertical or Horizontal photos are fine. We prefer a 4:3 ratio (this is the native ratio on an iPhone), but 3:2 is okay. Please try not to send 16:9 photos.
Keep things sharp and well lit, if possible.
You can upload more than one video and photo.
How To Send To Us
Videos are often very large files. Please upload everything to Google Drive Link by clicking here.
Name your files like this: LastName_FirstName_Description