To add to the often confusing world of tractor model numbers, John Deere has recently introduced a redesigned version of it’s popular 2025r tractor.  This frame size of tractor is the first step into the compact world compared to the smaller framed sub-compact family (1023e and 1025r).  The 2025r model has been in production since 2013 although it saw minimal design change from it’s predecessor, the 2520.  While the old style of John Deere 2025r is still a very capable machine, it was fairly dated and due for improvements to catch up with the other John Deere families of tractors.  Let’s get you caught up on the main differences between the old and new.

For me, the biggest drawback to the redesigned 2025r is the fact that John Deere opted to put the smaller, less capable 120r loader on this tractor.  The 120r loader is what’s found on the smaller-framed sub-compact family including the 1023e and 1025r.  I’ve tried in vain to find the reason behind this decision, but am left without answer.  To me, this is a disappointment as stepping up in frame size should mean stepping up in loader capability.  Not really the case here.  Now, we’re talking about a 250 lb capacity difference, so not the end of the world, but it is a drawback.


Beyond the loader snafu, the rest of the changes are definitely improvements.  You’ll find an upgraded seat and suspension, fender mounted work lights, tilt steering, and tool box all as standard equipment.  Couple that with the ability to now add a AutoConnect mower deck, relocated fuel fill, and ergonomic controls (very well thought out), and it becomes a state of the art machine.  3 point capability will remain the same and overall dimensions and weight are nearly identical to the predecessor.

Now, as with every new model, you should expect to pay more for this new model.  Your out the door price will vary depending on dealer and attachments selected, but be sure to shop around at a few.  One great thing about buying a clean, low hour used tractor is that it will hold it’s value due to the ever-increasing pricing of new equipment.  If you’re in the market for a tractor, then make sure you check out our inventory.  We keep a great selection and it’s frequently changing so check back often!