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OIL-DRI QUICK-SORB Liquid Aborbent

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If you’ve got a leak or spill, soak it up with Oil-Dri Quick-Sorb. Whether it’s oil, grease, or even just plain old water, this liquid absorbent will snatch it up in a hurry.

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if you’ve got a leak, grab oil-dri!

It’s hard to own a tractor and now experience a leak of some sort eventually: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, just to name a few. There really is only one way to clean them up, and that’s with a liquid absorbent. That’s where Oil-Dri Quick-Sorb comes into play.


  • Made from the same high-quality material as our premium absorbent, Oil-Dri® Quick-Sorb™ has been specially processed for greater absorption power.
  • Smaller granules offer more surface area and allow Oil-Dri® Quick-Sorb™ to absorb up to twice as much liquid per pound as conventional floor absorbents, so you can use half as much!
  • Use on a variety of spills, including oil, grease, and water.


Issue: Potential safety hazards are present around machines or in storage areas where leaks, drips, sprays or spills are most likely to occur.

Solution: A spill control plan should be developed with absorbent products readily available to control daily leaks and spills around your plant or to use in case of an emergency.

Description: Made from the same high-quality mineral as our best selling Oil-Dri® absorbent, Oil-Dri® QuickSorb® has been specially processed for greater absorption power. Smaller granules offer more surface area and allow Oil-Dri QuickSorb® to absorb up to twice as much liquid per pound as conventional floor absorbents. Use half as much volume to absorb ALL the liquid! Use on a variety of spills, including oil, grease and water.

Oil dri products must be disposed of in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. Since various fluids absorbed may be of toxic or hazardous in nature, Oil-Dri does not recommend disposal procedures.

Unused material is suitable for disposal in sanitary landfill. Disposal procedures for used material are based on nature of fluid absorbed. Please comply with all local, state and federal environmental regulations when disposing of this product.


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