SPECIAL OFFER! Save 30% On Precision Big Mouth Grapples


Extra Wide Grapple Precision Manufacturing Big Mouth



Reduced weight, a huge jaw opening, and increased strength. These are the three features that makes the Big Mouth Series Grapple Rakes from Precision Manufacturing the pinnacle of grapple engineering

A wide Grapple like the Big Mouth series ensures you won’t encounter an object or a load to grapple, only to wish find you can’t open far enough and wished you had a wider grapple.

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Purchase this item and get 3506-4315 Points worth $35.06-$43.15 to save on future orders!  You must register an account to track receive and track points.

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Using high-strength steel, Precision has reduced weight with cut outs in the tines that don’t compromise integrity. But most impressive of all is the size of the jaw opening on this series, the smallest being 48″!

Designed for tractors with 40 hp or less, the Big Mouth Grapples leave you with plenty of lift capacity on your front-end loader.

The rake style bottom tines allow you to comb through and collect large debris, and the enormous opening allows you to approach and grapple huge, awkward loads. So whether you’re grappling brush, logs, pipe, or rocks this grapple will clamp and carry it.

See the Big Mouth Grapple in action in the video below.

big mouth mini 320 Grapple Rake

The “BIG MOUTH” MINI 320 is the perfect grapple rake for compact John Deere tractors with less than 40 horsepower. The large 48” opening also closes tight to securely hold small or large loads. The concealed cylinders and hydraulics are protected and will not snag on limbs and brush.

Each 320 Grapple Rake includes 47″ supply lines with your choice of Coupler, Double Grapples & John Deere Quick Attach Brackets.

All pivot points are greased for long lasting wear. The spacing of rake tines is between 9” and 10” which allows the operator to rake small or large material and at the same time sift the dirt. Each tine is reinforced for extra strength. The end tines on the rake are double reinforced.

  • 48” Opening, 50” Wide
  • Weighs 256 lb
  • Fully Plumbed with JDQA Brackets, NO SSQA AVAILABLE
  • Reinforced Rake Tines (End Tines are Double Reinforced)
  • Double Grapples
  • Double Cylinder
  • All plate steel is 1/4” AR400 steel
  • Recommended for up to 40hp tractors
  • 47″ Supply Lines & Couplers Included


big mouth mini 322 Grapple Rake details

The “BIG MOUTH” MINI Grapple Rake 322 is the perfect grapple rake for tractors with 40 horsepower or less. The “rake” feature allows the operator to gather (rake) loose material into a pile. The large 48” opening also closes tight to securely hold small or large loads. The concealed cylinders and hydraulics are fully protected and will not snag on limbs and brush.

Each Mini Grapple Rake includes supply lines and couplers. The hose length is available in two lengths—the 100” will normally reach the middle of the loader arm where many of the selector valves (Xtra Valve Kits) are mounted. The 60” length will reach the front of the tractor.

All pivot points are greased for long lasting wear. The spacing of rake tines is between 9” and 10” which allows the operator to rake small or large material and at the same time sift the dirt. Each tine is reinforced for extra strength. The end tines on the rake are double reinforced.


  • 48” Opening, 59” Wide
  • Weighs 264 in JDQA, 276 pounds in SSQA
  • Fully Plumbed with JDQA or SSQA Brackets
  • Reinforced Rake Tines (End Tines are Double Reinforced)
  • Double Grapples
  • Double Cylinder
  • All plate steel is 1/4” AR400 steel
  • Recommended for up to 40 hp tractors



The largest opening double grapple in its class at 54″!

The 327 Series Big Mouth Grapple Rake is made for the small utility tractor and larger compact tractor 40–70hp. Available in two widths 60” and 72” and in JDQA or SSQA. Each 327 Grapple Rake is fully plumbed and includes two supply lines and couplers. The 91.5” hose length option will generally reach the middle of the loader arm, where many of the selector valves are mounted on the tractor. If you have a valve mounted on the front of the tractor (commonly, this is where John Deere mounts their valves), you will need the 60” supply line hoses.

All pivot points are greased for long lasting wear. The rake tine spacing is 7” to 10″. The 60″ model has 9 rake tines and the 72″ model has 11 rake tines which allow the operator to rake small or large material and at the same time sift the dirt. Each tine is reinforced and the end tines are reinforced on both sides for extra strength.


  • 54” Opening
  • Available in 60” & 72″ Widths
    • 60″ weighs 438 lb in JDQA, 478 lb in SSQA
    • 72″ weighs 486 lb in JDQA, 526 lbsin SSQA
  • Fully Plumbed with Quick Attach Brackets
  • Reinforced Rake Tines (End Tines are Double Reinforced)
  • Double Grapple Design
  • Stands to Easily Connect & Disconnect Allows for Compact Storage
  • Recommended for Utility Tractor & Larger Compact Tractors 40–70 hp
  • Made of 3/8” AR400 Steel

*Hoses and fittings typically are not included. On some occasions, manufacturers will include hoses and fittings but seldom are the hose lengths and fittings correct. We recommend waiting until you have the grapple mounted to your tractor to determine the correct hose length and fittings needed.

Grapple Ready 3rd Function Kit

Do you need a 3rd function kit to operate your grapple or hoses and fittings to mate up your grapple to your tractor? Save 5% with code GWT on high-quality tractor hydraulic solutions at Summit Hydraulics. These are DIY hydraulic solutions that you can install with simple tools in your garage. Save dealer mark-ups, save dealer labor, and save the headache of transporting your tractor to the dealer.

Additional information

Shipping Weight N/A
Quick Attach Style



50", 59", 60", 72"


Big Mouth Mini 320, Big Mouth Mini 322, Big Mouth 327


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