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Tree Puller / Post Puller Precision Manufacturing



Precision Manufacturing keeps making their products better. They’ve recently improved their already phenomenal tree pullers to have even longer reach to help with digging out roots.

Why make tree removal a two step-process when it can be a single step? A tree puller yanks trees up by the roots, so you can skip stump grinding. From your seat you can loosen soil, yank trees, cut them down with the sawtooth, or go after other things that need yanking like posts or stakes or even move large rocks and boulders. A special tip design is meant for post pulling, minimizing damage to T-Posts.

Watch us pull entire trees out of the ground with our John Deere 333G Skidsteer and the Precision Tree Puller in the videos below!

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Purchase this item and get 42330-54160 Points worth $423.30-$541.60 to save on future orders!  You must register an account to track receive and track points.

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*See the prior 535 Eliminator Tree Puller in action in the video below.

527 EXTREME DUTY Tree Puller

The 527 Tree Puller “Extreme Duty” is designed to remove the ENTIRE tree – ROOTS and ALL! The powerful jaws and sharp teeth provide a strong grip for exceptional pulling power. The Spade points are used to dig roots and loosen soil. The Tree Puller can also be used to remove posts and stakes or even move large rocks and boulders.

527 New Features Include:

  • Extended blade length by 12” for better digging
  • Large root ripper for better cutting of roots
  • Improved digging ability with reversed spade points and larger spade points 8” wide
  • Open space between blades to allow dirt and debris to flow thru openings
  • Improved hose management with hydraulic hose holder (TAMEit Not Included)
  • Open tips for post pulling. Minimizes damage to “T” Posts
  • 90° blade teeth that are extra long for better gripping of trees
  • 30″ Opening

527 Signature Features Include:

  • Double rows of teeth for better grip of tree
  • Telescoping cylinder guard that protects cylinder in extended and retracted positions
  • Heavy Duty oversized brush guard for maximum equipment protection(Optional)
  • Hose management for maximum protection for hoses and fittings
  • Blades and Root Ripper are made of AR400 steel
  • Weighs 528 lb


537 Eliminator Tree Puller

The 537 Tree Puller “ELIMINATOR” is our latest addition in tree pulling. Several new features shown below make this our “BEST” yet! Our Tree Pullers are designed to remove the ENTIRE tree – ROOTS and ALL! The powerful jaws and sharp teeth provide a strong grip for exceptional pulling power. The Spade points are used to dig roots and loosen soil. The Tree Puller can also be used to remove posts and stakes or even move large rocks and boulders. The SAW feature allows you to saw a tree that may be too large to pull. The maximum saw diameter is 12” from one side.

537 New Features Include:

  • 51″ Reach and 30 7/8″ Opening (the blades are 12″ longer than prior models!)
  • Improved digging ability with reversed spade points and larger spade points 8” wide
  • Open space between blades to allow dirt and debris to flow thru openings
  • Improved hose management with hydraulic hose holder (TAMEit)
  • Open tips for post pulling. Minimizes damage to “T” Posts
  • 90° blade teeth that are extra long for better gripping of trees


537 Signature Features Include:

  • Double rows of teeth for better grip of tree
  • Telescoping cylinder guard that protects cylinder in extended and retracted positions
  • Heavy Duty oversized brush guard for maximum equipment protection
  • Hose management for maximum protection for hoses and fittings
  • Blades and Root Ripper are made of AR400 steel
  • Weighs 736 lb

Additional information

Shipping Weight N/A

527 Extreme Duty, 537 Eliminator

Quick Attach Style



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